Swarovski crystal AB bauble by Starstruck Designs
Christmas is the one time of year when I can guarantee my husband wont bat an eyelid at me adding sparkles to everything. From tinsel on the Christmas tree, to lights in the windows, to foil hanging decs in the hall, to edible glitter on our food (ok - so I still have to try and get that one past him, but if anyone can do it - its me!)
This is the first year that i've actually put together some Christmas themed pieces on my website. There is the bauble above, and then this Christmas tree decoration:

Both modelled on my beautiful Christmas tree (sorry - I don't do the whole "matchy matchy" thing!)
I've actually been surprised at how many orders have come in over the last week - not for Christmas presents, but for brides getting married either over Christmas, or very early in the New Year. There have been a few orders from the new side tiaras collection, in addition to some snowflake pins, and snowflake necklaces and bracelets. Of course, there has also been a run of orders for Christmas party accessories, including a lovely customer, who having recieved her Christmas tree decoration, asked to have it make into a necklace for her party this weekend!